
Jun 18, 2013
Category: General
Posted by: admin
Information on where to find the PEVSoft tools...

Content Updating in TS2009 and above

Applicable Versions: TS2009,TS2010,TS12

Note: The screenshots are Content Manager 3.3 - TS2009 SP4, and are large images (1366 x 768)

This pictorial tutorial will guide you on how to install content updates in TS2009, TS2010 and TS12. Be aware that TS2010 and TS12 may have slight differences on this proceedure.

I have been informed that certain versions of TS2010 only update faulty assets. 

 In Step 6, you can add an additional filter for Out Of Date=False to only show the latest version.

Also, if you are running TS2009 SP3 or earlier, you may need to check the updates to make sure they are not trainz-build 3.3. The Download Helper should block such updates for that version.








Step 1:


Step 2:




Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Once Step 7 is complete, the updates will download automatically. The list will either completely disappear, or show some content with ZZZ icon - this means that the items are obsoleted by a newer version.