Trainz Service Packs
Welcome to my new Trainz Service Packs page!Eventually this will be a resource of where to get hold of the various service packs for Trainz products, including the DLC (Downloadable Content) packs.
If you have information regarding a build that I haven't got listed, please let me know via the Trainz Discussion Forums or the feedback tool available on this site. Note that I am already aware of patches on N3V's service packs page for TS2009, TS2010, and TS12.
If I have patch data available for a specific version, the appropriate link will be available below.
Trainz 1.0
UTC (Ultimate Trainz Collection)
Trainz Classics 1 and 2
Trainz Classics 3
TS2009 (Trainz Simulator 2009)
TS2010 (Trainz Simulator 2010)
TS Mac (Trainz Simulator Mac)
TS12 (Trainz Simulator 12)