
Jun 18, 2013
Category: General
Posted by: admin
Information on where to find the PEVSoft tools...

Common Patching Errors

Applicable Versions: TS2009, TS2010,TS12

Note: This list is not definitive: there may be other errors/solutions.

To minimise the chance of some errors, run a disk defragmentation tool, and a disk cleanup tool. Windows has both of these built in under the names Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup. Other operating systems should have similar tools.

If you have a SSD (solid state disk) do not defragment it. Modern versions of Windows should detect this, and block the feature.

Error: This patch file is not applicable to your current installation version.

This error can have one of a few reasons, but here are the common ones:

1.Incorrect patch.

To resolve this, download the patch where the first number in the filename matches your current build number.

2.Incorrect folder selected

To resolve this, check which folder it is attempting to patch (shown at the top of the Auran Patcher window) - if it is indeed incorrect, click the .. button to browse your hard disk, and select the trainz.exe file in the appropriate folder. (You may find it easier to select the relevant shortcut on the desktop, as this normally points to the correct file).

3.Previous failed patch.

If a patch has previously failed, the game needs to be reinstalled before any further patch attempts.

This error can also be preceded by 'unable to determine installation location' or similar.

Error: File xxxxx is corrupt and cannot be patched

Also known as 'Existing file is damaged and cannot be patched: xxx'.

To resolve this error, you will need to do the following (as well as a reinstall):

1.Go into (My) Computer.

2.Right-click your hard drive and click Properties.

3.Click Tools (this will be a tab at the top of the dialog box)

4.Click Check Now.

5.Tick both boxes shown and click Start.

6.More than likely you will get another box: click Yes/Schedule Disk check (which one appears will depend on version)

7.Restart your system.

File xxx.ja does not match

This error can either mean you have the wrong folder selected, or you have cancelled the patch previously, which means a reinstall.

Error: August 2009 version of DirectX is required

See the 'Updating DirectX' page.

Unable to compute checksum for file xxx

This error usually crops up if there is a problem with your Trainz installation, or your hard drive. Reinstalling is a good idea in these circumstances.

Error: Existing File is already patched

This error happens if a previous patch has failed, or was stopped partway through. A reinstall must be performed in this case.

Unknown error

Usually, this means a reinstall, but it also means that there may be a fault with the patching file.

Failed to extract patch archive

This error can be corrected by downloading and running the appropriate manual patch.

Repair related messages (These also crop up during an Extended Database Repair)

<kuid:xxxxx:xxxxx> does not match the database record

This is not a true error, as it indicates what has been corrected by the patching program.  Quite often, it is caused by the folder references changing during patching.

Original/Local copy of <kuid:xxxxx:xxxxx> has been removed

This indicates that the KUID mentioned has had it's original copy, or it's local copy removed. This is usually the case with local (non-built-in) assets.

<kuid:xxxxx:xxxxx> has been found at a new location

This indicates that a previously deleted asset has been found elsewhere and has been reinstated.

If there are any more common patching errors, let me know via the forums.